Packed Lunch vs School Lunch and GPA Survey (Post #3)

Survey Data – Sheet1

survey results

So here are the fruits of my labors! Out of my 76 responses, I only got one dubious answer. I don’t think anyone with a 0.0012 GPA is going to graduate from school any time soon. Most of the respondents had sandwiches for lunch be it that they packed or bought their lunches. I was surprised to see that a handful of people did not eat lunch at all but still managed to have an average of 3.0 GPA. Nearly 50% of all students surveyed packed lunch to school while only 34% bought their lunches. Maybe my next genius hour project could lead to finding ways to increase buying school lunches. I will have graphs, boxplots and scatterplots up soon whenever I can figure out how to make them. Then I will analyze the data and hopefully find if an association exists between my variables.

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